
Published and Forthcoming Papers

Community Engagement with Law Enforcement after High-profile Acts of Police Violence (with Desmond Ang, Panka Bencsik, and Jesse Bruhn), October 2023. Accepted at American Economic Review: Insights. Previously titled “Police violence reduces civilian cooperation and engagement with law enforcement."

Wealth of two nations: The U.S. racial wealth gap, 1860-2020 (with Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, and Moritz Schularick). May 2024. Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Non-technical Summary] [NBER Working Paper Version]

Changes in the distribution of Black and white wealth since the US Civil War (with Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, and Moritz Schularick), Fall 2023. Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Comment On “Reparations and persistent racial wealth gaps." 2023. NBER Macroeconomics Annual

Can you move to opportunity? Evidence from the Great Migration. Feb. 2022. American Economic Review.

Minimum wages and racial inequality (with Claire Montialoux). Feb. 2021. Quarterly Journal of Economics.

The Historical Origins of Global Inequality. In After Piketty: The agenda for economics and inequality. Eds: Boushey H, DeLong JB, Steinbaum M. Cambridge: Harvard University Press ; 2017. pp. 491-511. Publisher's Version

Working Papers

Voluntary Minimum Wages (with David Weil). Reject & Resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics. 

Unemployment risk, portfolio choice, and the racial wealth gap (with Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, and Moritz Schularick), working paper, October 2023.

Racial Inequality, Minimum Wage Spillovers, and the Informal Sector (with François Gérard, Lorenzo Lagos, and Claire Montialoux), working paper, May 2021. [Slides].

Atlantic slavery's impact on European and British economic development. Updated June 2019.

Works in Progress

The rise of punitive criminal justice policy in the wake of the Great Migration (with Benjamin Feigenberg, Conrad Miller, and Heather Sarsons)

Collective Bargaining, Earnings, and Inequality (with François Gerard, Lorenzo Lagos, and Claire Montialoux)